陳念霞 Angela 助理教授
- 辦公室至善樓Z312
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- 聯絡信箱94079@mail.wzu.edu.tw
發布日期 2018-01-21 10:06:28
語言學概論、教育職場文化與倫理、英語聽力(二)、語言能力整合教學、畢業專題、海外實習、 學期校外實習、教學實習與服務學習、學習發展概論、兒童英語活動教學、兒童青少年文學、英文五/英文六、英語閱讀與寫作、英語聽力與會話、專業英文、主題討論與報告、實用寫作
■ Lecturer 2005-Present / Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (Taiwan)
■ Primary School Teacher and English Panel Chairperson (Assistant Primary School Mistress, APSM) 2002- 2005 / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lo Yu Chik Primary School (Hong Kong)
■ “Seed” Teacher (on secondment) (APSM) 2001-2002 / School-Based Curriculum Development Section, Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong
■ Primary School Teacher (promoted from Certificate Mistress, CM, to APSM) 1997-2001 / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lo Yu Chik Primary School (Hong Kong)
■ Resource Class Teacher (Certificate Mistress, CM) 1996-1997 / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lo Yu Chik Primary School (Hong Kong)
■ Chan, L. H. & Chen, C.-H. (2012). An inside look at project-based learning of college students in Taiwan. Journal of foreign Language Instruction, 5(1), 1-20.
■ Chan, L. H. & Chen, C.-H. (2011). Effectiveness and impact of technology–enabled project-based learning with the use of process prompts in teacher education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 19(2), 141-167.
■ Chan, L. H. & Chen, C.-H. (2010). Conflict from teamwork in project-based collaborative learning. Performance improvement, 49(2), 23-28.
■ Kuo, C.-L., Lin, V. I- Y., & Chan, L. H. (2009). The effects of explicit teaching of cohesive devices on college EFL writing. Journal of Foreign Language Instruction, 3: 141-161.
■ Chan, L. H. (2008). Learning strategies Hong Kong primary students use in different subjects. Journal of Foreign Language Instruction, 2: 1-19.
■ Chan, L. H. (2016). Sing and Move - Removing Static English Language Classroom. Paper presented at The Sixth Asian Conference on Language Learning, 2016, Kobe, Japan, April 30. (p.115-122)
■ Chan, L. H. (2015). A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Visual Cues on Sentence Stress Production of EFL Elementary Students. Paper presented at the Fifth Asian Conference on Language Learning, Kobe, Japan, April 30. (p.67-77)
■ Chan, L. H. (2014). The Impact of a Five-day English Summer Camp on the conception of English Learning of EFL Elementary Students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Fourth Asian Conference on Language Learning, Osaka, Japan, April 17. (p.186-204).
■ Chan, L. H. (2014). The change of conception of English-language teaching of Taiwanese EFL student-teachers after teaching practicum. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 194-198. Paper presented at the 5th World Conference Educational Sciences, Rome, Italy, February 8, 2013.
■ Chen, C.-H. & Chan, L. H. (2009). Understanding by Design: An Investigation of project-based Learning Implementation and Lesson Learned. Paper presented at the ED-Media 2009 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia Telecommunications, Honolulu, Hawaii USA, June 23. (p.1936-1942).
■ Chan, L. H. & Kuo, C.-L. (2008). English Study Habit: A Pilot Study on EFL Undergraduates in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2008 Conference on Foreign Language Instruction, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 26. (p.143-176).
■ Chan, L. H. (2004). Learning strategies Hong Kong primary students use in different subjects. Unpublished Med dissertation: The University of Hong Kong.
■ Chan, L. H., Chiu, T,-T., Hsiang, P.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., Lee. M. J.-K., Lin, Y.-H., Syue, C.-W., Tseng, K.-J., Wang, Y.-T., & Wu, S.-H. (2014). The Trojan Horse. Taipei, Taiwan: Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. (English children book)
■ Chan, L. H. (2014). Pug and a bug. Taipei, Taiwan: Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. (English children book)
■ Chan, L. H. (2014). Are you Shiba the doggie? Taipei, Taiwan: Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. (English children book)
校內/外研究計畫 Grants from Academic Institutions
■ The Impact of teaching Experience in Teaching Practicum on the Conceptions of English Teaching and learning of EFL Student Teachers in Taiwan. Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2012. 文藻外語學院補助專題研究計畫. Wenzao College of Languages Research Projects Grants.
■ Understanding by Design: An Investigation of project-based Learning Implementation and Lesson Learned. Jan. 2009- Dec. 2009. 文藻外語學院補助專題研究計畫. Wenzao College of Languages Research Projects Grants.