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張雅惠 Lilian 助理教授

發布日期 2018-01-21 07:43:22













Chang, L. Y- H. (2016). ‘Good’ language teachers’ divergent perspectives from Taiwan L2 class groups and their teachers. TESL-EJ, 20(3), 1-14.

Chang, L. Y-H, Geary, M.P. (2015). Promoting the autonomy of Taiwanese EFL learners in higher education by using self-assessment learning logs. Studies in English Language Teaching, 3(4), 339-354.

Chang, L. Y-H. (2014). Characteristics of motivated L2 class groups: From language teachers’ and students’ perspectives. English Language Teaching, 7(7), 159-167.

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2013). On a pathway to be autonomous: Non-English major college students’ preferred out-of-class learning activities. Journal of Sciences and Humanities, 2 (1), 77-89.

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2012). TESOL teachers' divergent reflective thinking on what makes a language teacher "good". Academic Research International, 3(2), 413-419.

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2010). Group processes and EFL learners' motivation: A study of group dynamics in EFL classrooms. TESOL Quarterly, 44, 129-154. (SSCI).

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2009). A preliminary exploration of college students’ motivation to learn English. Journal of Foreign Language Instruction, 3, 17-42.

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2008). Chinese learners’ autonomous learning: What do they believe and what do they actually do in English learning. Journal of Foreign Language Instruction, 2, 21-32.

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2007). The Influences of group processes on learners’ autonomous beliefs and behaviours. System, 35(3), 322-337. (MLA International Bibliography).



Chang, L. Y.-H. (2014). What is a motivated L2 class group? Viewpoints from College EFL learners in Taiwan. 2014 第九屆英語教學學術研討會論文集. 朝陽科技大學. May 30, 2014. (ISBN: 978-986-5631-2-4)

Chang, L. Y.-H. (2011). What is a ‘good’ L2 class group? Viewpoints from English Language Teachers. 2011英語教學學術研討會論文集. 修平科技大學. (ISBN: 978-986-86246-4-1)

Chang, L. Y-H. (2008). English major students and non-English major students: How are their affective traits different in English Classroom? Proceedings of 2008. Conference on Foreign Language Instruction. May 26, 2008. (ISBN: 978-957-30863-9-0)


Chang, L. Y-H. (2015). Good language teachers: Divergent perspectives from Taiwan L2 class groups and their teachers第二十四屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會. Taiwan, ROC.

Chang, L. Y-H & Geary, M.P. (2015). Promoting the autonomy of Taiwanese EFL learners in higher education by using self-assessment learning logs. 第三十二屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會.Taiwan, ROC.

Chang, L. Y-H. (2013). On a pathway to be autonomous: Non-English major college students’ preferred out-of-class learning activities. 2013 德明財經科技大學應用外語學術研討會, Taiwan, ROC.

Chang, L. Y-H. (2012). A diversity of perspectives on “good” language teachers: Can college teachers and their learner groups attain harmony? 第二十九屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會.Taiwan, ROC.

Chang, L. Y-H. (2010). College students’ out-of-class learning activities in Taiwan: Integrating out-of-class English learning activities into L2 classrooms. 2010 Asian EFL Journal International Conference. Taiwan, ROC.

Chang, L. Y-H. (2010). Characteristics of good language teachers: TESOL teachers' divergent reflective thinking. Inaugural Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Osaka, Japan.