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陳佳吟 Chia-Yin 助理教授

發布日期 2018-01-20 23:55:18








文藻外語學院外語教學系暨外語文教事業發展研究所主任暨所長 ~迄今


教育部補助大學學習生態系統 B 類「無邊界大學計畫」,計畫 共同主持人


行政院國家科學委員會補助人文及社會科學研究圖書設備計 畫:第二外語教學(德語暨西班牙語),計畫共同主持人



教育部獎助大學校院海外專業實習先導型計畫:「學海築 夢」,專案主持人


“Is more the merrier: Relationship between Taiwan university students English language learning strategies and English proficiency test performance.” At 2015 Asian Conference on Education and International Development in Osaka, March, 2015.

Chia-Yin Chen, 2012, The ecological contexts on how parents perceive L1 proficiency, International Interdisciplinary Conference, NATHRV-克羅埃西亞共和國, Dubrovnik

Yuhshi Lee, I-Chia Chou, Chia-Yin Chen, 2012, Classroom seating and the English language learning of Taiwanese students, CamTESOL, NATCAM-柬埔寨王國, Phnom Penh

Gonzalez, V., Chen, C. & Sanchez, C. (2011, Fall). Cultural thinking and discourse organizational patterns influencing writing skills in a Chinese

English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) learner. Bilingual Research Journal. National Association for Bilingual Education.

陳佳吟, 2010, An Asperger Syndrome Adolescent's Language Learning, The Second Asian Conference on Education, NATJPN-日本, 大阪

陳佳吟, 2010, Whole English Instruction--Yes or No, The Second Asian Conference on Education, NATJPN-日本, 大阪

陳佳吟, 2008, Cohesion: A Study of Personal Pronouns in EFL Writings, JOURNAL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, 2卷, 1期, 其他

陳佳吟, 2007, Is second language acquisition a process of habit formation or cognitive learning? Linguistic development in second language acquisition, 2007英語教學研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄縣

陳佳吟, 2007, Whitehead's Philosophy and Some Possible Applications in Educational Philosophy, 2007外語教學學術研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄市

陳佳吟, 2006, Developing the Texas Adult Education Standards, The 40th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit (TESOL 2006), NATUSA-美國, Florida

陳佳吟, 2006, The Why and How of Texas ESL Standards, The 40th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit (TESOL 2006), NATUSA-美國, Florida

陳佳吟, 2006, Confucius' Philosophy vs. I Ching and Some Possible Application in Educational Philosophy, 2006外語教學國際研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄市