黎昱希 Yuhshi 助理教授
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- 聯絡信箱98035@mail.wzu.edu.tw
發布日期 2018-01-18 13:38:36
■ 文藻外語大學外語教學系暨外語文教事業發展研究所主任暨所長 ~迄今
■ 教育部獎助大學校院海外專業實習先導型計畫:「學海築夢」,專案主持人
■ University of Washington LIFE Center (Learning in Informal and Formal Environments) National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant # 0354453 研究員
■ University of Washington Editorial Research Assistant
■ Washington International School 教師
■ Lee, Y. 2016. The Development of Global Identities in Taiwanese College Students through a Multicultural English Curriculum. The Asian Conference on Language Learning Kobe, Japan.
■ Lee, Y. 2015. Teaching Science Through English: Content and Language Integrated Learning in a Taiwan Secondary Education Context. The Asian Conference on Education & International Development. Osaka, Japan.
■ Yuhshi Lee, I-Chia Chou, Chia-Yin Chen, 2012, Classroom seating and the English language learning of Taiwanese students, CamTESOL, NATCAM-柬埔寨王國, Phnom Penh
■ Lee, Y. & Yang, H. (2008) Ecological contexts and language policies: A case study of two Chinese immigrant families. Paper presented at the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association International Conference, New York, NY.
■ Lee, Y. (2008) Being Chinese, becoming bilingual Chinese Americans. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
■ Huang, I. & Lee., Y. (2008) Growing up bilingual: Globalization and elitism. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
■ Huang, I., Lee, Y., Yang, H., & Yeo, J. (2008) The making of Asian American identities: Multiple contexts and multiple perspectives. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
■ Banks, J.A., Au, K. H., Ball, A. F., Bell, P., Gordon, E.W., Gutierrez, K.D., Heath, S.B., Lee, C.D., Lee, Y., Mahiri, J., Nasir, N.S., Valdes, G., Zhou, M. 2007. Learning In and Out of School in Diverse Environments: Life-Long, Life-Wide, Life-Deep. Seattle, WA: LIFE Center, University of Washington.
■ Huang, I., Lee, Y., & Yang, H. (2007). Tai-yu movement and Taiwanese identity construction: A sociocultural perspective. Paper accepted by the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Costa Mesa, CA